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What is Clinical hypnosis?
Clinical Hypnosis is one of the many approcahes and tools we used to achieve great results. Clinical Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool used to bring about deep and lasting change in a person’s behaviours, habits, attitudes and beliefs. It is a safe, comfortable, and beneficial form of therapy that uses a person’s natural trance state to aid therapeutic change. Importantly, it is a recognised form of treatment used across the world by medical professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, gastroenterologists, neurologists etc) to treat chronic pain, stress and anxiety, insomnia and sleep problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), tinnitus, and to stop smoking and lose weight. There is much research-based evidence that supports the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. For more on this research and evidence, see the research page.
What is Clinical Hypnotherapy? Clinical hypnotherapy is the application of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes to create positive remedial outcomes for people who suffer from psychological, emotional and physical concerns.
What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is officially defined by the American Psychological Association as “a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.” What it means is that when you are in trance, you are in a state of deep relaxation, your imagination is heightened and your emotions are fully engaged in the imaginary world that you focus on. In this state, you are highly open to suggestions targeted to the issue at hand. When in trance, you are alert and aware of what is going on. Being hypnotised is often compared to daydreaming, being mesmerised by a film or a good book or being on autopilot when you are driving. You are fully conscious, but you tune out the environment around you and focus your full attention intently on the issue at hand.
Importantly, hypnosis requires cooperation between you and the therapist who guides you towards the solution you want. In trance, you are in control and you can come out of trance at any time. Hypnosis is not done to you and you cannot be hypnotised against your will. Anything untoward will bring you out of trance.
What happens in a session? A first session of hypnotherapy usually involves two main phases. First, you will discuss the issue you want to address with the therapist who will ask you questions to identify the specifics of your situation. This is important, as hypnotherapy is most effective when it is tailored to your specific circumstances, symptoms and issues. Following this consultation phase, the session will usually (though not always depending on the severity and scope of the issues to be addressed) involve hypnosis. In subsequent sessions, more hypnotic work is done to address the issue you want to solve.
Can I do just one session? No. The work we do involves changing long-term habits and patterns of behaviours. As we are seeking to bring about a permanent change in a deeply-ingrained pattern, this cannot be done in one session alone. As it normally takes a minimum of 28 days to change a habit and associated patterns of behaviour, most of our programs include multiple sessions (usually one per week). We offer full specialist programs that are specifically designed to address the issue that they relate to.