The 'So Much More Than A Mother' Program
No more feeling trapped, undervalued and invisible as a mother!
You matter as a mum. 6 weeks to breaking free from anxiety, anger, guilt and resentment so you can feel visible, valued and reconnected!
No more feeling trapped, undervalued and invisible as a mother!
You matter as a mum. 6 weeks to breaking free from anxiety, anger, guilt and resentment so you can feel visible, valued and reconnected!
So many of the mothers I work with feel like they have lost themselves, that they don't matter. They feel invisible, undervalued, angry, guilty and resentful. They love their children, but they feel trapped in motherhood. And this is the reality, whatever stage of motherhood they are at!
Motherhood turned out not to be what they expected. They think they are failing and they blame themselves for being bad mums. And there aren't many places you can express that safely in our society, right?! Usually, you get told you are depressed or a bad mum, if you express any kind of dissatisfaction with motherhood! The reality is that they, like you, are not broken. They don't need fixing and there is nothing wrong with them. There are many key factors, some psychological and emotional, and some social and cultural (that are usually badly understood or misunderstood), that shape how they, and how you, think, feel and behave... ...and when they understand what is going on beneath the surface, they can start feeling valued, heard and more fulfilled. |
Find out how other women just like you benefitted from the program and how it can help you to ease anxiety, anger and guilt and feel valued, fulfilled and like you matter!
In a nutshell, here is what the So Much More Than A Mother program does